Travel conditions extended for New Zealand resident visa holders overseas

COVID-19 border restrictions mean many people granted a resident visa could not travel or return to New Zealand before the travel conditions on their visa expire.

Travel conditions extended

Those who hold a resident visa with travel conditions set to expire between 25 August 2021 and 10 September 2022 and were outside New Zealand on 22 August 2021 will have their travel conditions extended to 11 September 2022.


Resident visa holders who have had their travel conditions extended will be contacted by Immigration New Zealand by email by 10 September 2021. The email will be sent to the most recent email address held by Immigration New Zealand.

Resident visa holders will be able to see the new travel conditions online by 10 September 2021.

If you are unable to travel to New Zealand

Border restrictions have affected people who have been granted their resident visa offshore and have not been able to travel to New Zealand, or who have left New Zealand and whose resident visa will expire soon.

Most people granted a resident visa within New Zealand have travel conditions of 24 months.

Resident visas will expire if you are outside New Zealand with expired travel conditions.

Border restrictions apply

Current border restrictions apply.

People who have been granted residence while outside New Zealand, and would be travelling to New Zealand for the first time as resident visa holders, must meet requirements to be exempt from border restrictions before they can travel to New Zealand.

Immigration New Zealand
September 3, 2021